Bible Studies

summer Bible Studies

We're so excited for our Summer Bible Studies kick-off! Bible Studies will begin on Wednesday, July 10th. Attendees to the women's study will have the option to participate in a Wednesday night study, or an online study on Wednesday evenings. The men's study will meet on campus on Wednesday evenings only. Azle studies will meet in homes, and will be communicated. Childcare is offered for the women's studies only and is very limited. Check out this page for more information, and register below.

more than anything, loving god above everything 

Women's Study: Wednesday Nights, Wednesday Mornings, Online Via Zoom, Azle In-Home 

Are you seeking deeper community and a stronger connection with God? Join us for an enriching journey through God's Word at the Creek Women's Summer Bible Study!

Study Focus: In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it's essential to anchor our hearts in the love of God. This six-week study will delve into the following:

  • Understanding Idolatry: Explore the concept of idolatry as depicted in Scripture and discover how it manifests in our lives today.
  • Finding Fulfillment in God: Learn to shift your focus from temporary satisfactions to finding true fulfillment in God alone.
  • Identifying False Sources of Security: Examine areas where you may be placing your trust in powerless idols rather than in the unchanging and eternal God.
  • Embracing God's Peace and Joy: Discover why God is the ultimate source of lasting peace and joy, surpassing any fleeting pleasure or worldly pursuit.

Study Options: Choose from multiple meeting times and locations to accommodate your schedule:

  • Wednesday mornings and evenings at 
  • Online sessions
  • In-home gatherings in Azle 

Sign up for On-Campus | Sign up for In-Home | Azle Signup

Wild at Heart 

Men's Study: Wednesday Nights at 7:00pm

Join us for an empowering journey as we delve into John Eldredge's thought-provoking book, "Wild at Heart." In this transformative study,

Eldredge challenges Christian men to rediscover authentic masculinity without falling into the trap of a "macho man" mentality. He explores how men often suppress their deepest desires and seek validation in various pursuits, urging them to confront their hearts' true longings.

"In Wild at Heart, John Eldredge invites men to recover their masculine heart, defined in the image of a passionate God."

We invite you to join us every Wednesday at 7:00pm for 6 weeks, starting July 10th, as we delve into this powerful exploration of what it means to be a man of God. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with other men, gain valuable insights, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. 

Come ready to engage, reflect, and be inspired as we seek to embrace our true identity as men created in the image of a passionate God. See you there!

Sign up here!

4901 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76179

(817) 350-6980

1680 Mary Drive
Weatherford, TX 76085

(817) 350-6980

