
Celebrating Azle Serve Weekend!

October 17, 2024
Last weekend, our Azle family got to do one of the things we love most: get out into the community and serve those around them! The idea of being Set in Motion is a BIG deal to us, so when we get the opportunity for Serve Weekend twice a year, our church family really steps up!&n...


Breaking Down the Bible: David

October 10, 2024
David is one of the most well-known people in the Bible, not only as a king of Israel but also as a man after God's own heart. His life story is full of triumphs, failures, and deep faith, and provides lessons that we can still learn from now. Today, we’re going to breakdow...


Celebrating Baptisms!

October 03, 2024
We had the opportunity to celebrate baptisms at both our Fort Worth and Azle campuses a few weeks ago, and it was the sweetest time to see how God is working in the life of The Creek. We got to heat stories of young people choosing Jesus, stories of healing and redemption, and st...


Staff Spotlight: Michael Escamilla

September 18, 2024
On the blog this week, we are SO excited to introduce you to Michael Escamilla and help you get to know him a little better! He is serving as our Associate Pastor and is overseeing our Azle Campus, and we are so grateful that the Lord brought him and his precious family to The Cr...


No Place for Worry

September 17, 2024
“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose”  - Eckhart Tolle Worry, worry, worry. The same beast that comes back over and over again no matter how hard we try to avoid it. Worry: robbing joy, creating uncertainty, and a great tactic that...


Time of Worship: Another One

September 12, 2024
We learned a new song this last weekend that reminds us of the miracles of God, and reminds us that even in our weakness, we can rely on Him to continue to care for us, and to make a way even when it seems impossible. One of the things that I love about scripture is the finality...


Celebrating NextGen Takeover!

September 04, 2024
This last weekend our NextGen students and leaders took over our weekend services at the Fort Worth and Azle campuses, and did an AMAZING job creating environments for people to experience the Lord and hear the gospel!  At The Creek, we truly believe in pouring into the nex...


Embrace Obedience

August 29, 2024
In a world that constantly urges us to “live our own truths” and “define our own paths” and “follow your heart,” the call to obedience that Jesus commands can seem both counter-cultural and challenging to our natural instincts. But, being a dis...


Motherhood and Surrender

By Shannon Santiago
August 22, 2024

If you see the mom who straps her young son over her shoulder leaving church every Saturday night, that's me.  I think every mother can agree that it is truly a gift, a privilege, and honor to walk in the calling and journey of motherhood. There is not a day that goes by th...


The Fear of the Lord

By Donald and Courtney Devereaux
August 15, 2024

As I was studying the Word of God one day, these words came to life on the pages, “…the fear of the Lord.” The Bible is replete with verses that read “the fear of the Lord,” but this time, when I read it, it was different. What does it mean to fear ...


Breaking Down the Bible: Lydia

August 08, 2024
Breaking Down the Bible: Lydia Buried in the book of Acts, right before a very famous story about Paul and Silas, is a short story about a woman named Lydia. At a quick glance, it doesn’t seem to be anything that significant, but when you dive in and look at the ramificati...


Celebrating Baptisms!

July 31, 2024
These last two weekends, we had the sweetest rounds of baptisms at the Azle Campus and the Fort Worth Campus! The Lord is moving in such powerful ways in both bodies of believers, and it is an incredible honor to witness. The thing that stood out to me so profoundly between the 1...


Make This the Best Year Yet!

July 25, 2024
Can you believe that it is already time for Back to School? I can’t! In the next days and weeks, stores will look like a war zone with pencils and backpacks scattered about, teachers will begin the (completely heroic) return to the classroom to prepare for their students, a...


9 Vital Signs

July 18, 2024
We’ve been in a great series, Seven Letters, where we are working through the letters written to the seven churches in Asia Minor. It has been a time of refocusing our attention on our first love, and seeking truer intimacy with our creator. Last weekend, Pastor Matt talked...


Truth Vs. Deception

By Kay Davis
July 11, 2024

When I was doing a little research for this article on the subject of distinguishing truth from being deceived, I thought of the example of paper money. I have heard it said that to determine the genuineness of money, you need to study the genuine bill. How many counterfeit bills...


Time of Worship: There's No Way

July 03, 2024
We sang a new song this last weekend, with powerful message of worshiping in the midst of waiting. We worshiped to a line that simply says “there’s no way your promises can fail.” Worship is the PERFECT opportunity to remind ourselves of the promises of God: He...


Unpacking Ephesians 2: Understanding Grace

June 27, 2024
Unpacking Ephesians 2: Understanding Grace  Grace. We all know it, we’re all grateful for it. The idea of getting what we don’t deserve is the tangible gift of the incredibly merciful Savior that we serve. Ephesians 2 is one of the most important passages for us...


Serving the Next Generation

By Whitney Moline
June 20, 2024

Often, we fall into thinking our kid’s ministry is just a babysitting program. That the only reason for it is to give the parents a break. However, kid's ministry is so much more. At The Creek, we teach them foundational truths that we build on as they grow. ...


Answered Prayers

By Kay Davis
June 13, 2024

I read a devotional today, which brought to mind the thought of how God works in our lives in unexpected ways, just as Pastor Matt has spoken on recently. The devotional was from Streams in the Desert and based on the scripture Romans 8:26, which says in part, "we know...


Tips for Reading the Bible

June 05, 2024
10 Tips for Reading the Bible: Let’s face it: reading and studying the bible every day is not always easy. Life is full of distractions and the enemy is really good and getting in the way of quiet time in the Lord’s presence. But despite all of this, God is clear tha...


Be Anxious for Nothing

By Shannon McBrayer
May 30, 2024

Philippians 4:6-7 says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds …”&...


Celebrating Baptisms!

May 23, 2024
This last weekend was the sweetest opportunity to celebrate baptisms, and the incredible, new life that God is creating within our church body. There were SEVENTEEN baptisms across both campuses, and each story, moment, and life was beautiful and so moving! One of the unique par...


Time of Worship: Bless God

May 16, 2024
Last weekend we sang a new song together about our walk with Jesus, and the choice we have every day to bless His name regardless of circumstances surrounding us. The words of the bridge are so powerful, and incredible reminder of the daily opportunities we have to life the name ...


Serve Weekend Recap!

May 09, 2024
The first Serve Weekend of 2024 is officially in the books, and it was a GREAT one! Serve Weekend is one of our favorite weekends of the year, because we get to put action to what we teach. Rather than gathering on campus for worship and teaching, hundreds of Creek-ers head to 20...


Time of Worship: Holy Forever

May 01, 2024
A few weeks ago, we introduced a new song and it is a beautiful declaration of God's goodness, faithfulness, and ultimately, His holiness. We sing that His name is truly the highest and the greatest! So today, take a few minutes to worship with us, and remind yourself of this pra...


Staff Spotlight: Donald!

April 24, 2024
On this blog this week, we wanted to take the time to highlight one of our AMAZING Pastoral Staff members, Donald Devereaux! Donald oversees our Freedom, Care, and Men's Ministries, and does an incredible job. He's also one of the friendliest people you'll ever meet, so if you se...


For This Reason: Encouragement for Marriages

By Kay Davis
April 18, 2024

My husband and I got married at age 16 and 17. We had what that truly meant, much less the heart of God behind it. Neither one us even had a personal relationship with the Lord at that time and would not for several years to come. We were married by a jud...


Finding True Joy

April 11, 2024
Finding True Joy It seems like everywhere you turn, the world is pushing the idea of “happiness” on us. The idea that as long as we’re happy, nothing else matters. No thing, job, or person should stand in the way of what makes us happy. We pray for blessings, s...


Celebrating Easter at The Creek!

April 03, 2024
Last weekend we celebrated Easter as the church, and it was truly incredible to see the life change God was doing in our local body and the global body of believers. It was an exciting time for The Creek, as the first Easter weekend in TWO locations! While our Azle Campus isn&rsq...


Baptism Celebration

March 27, 2024
A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated baptisms at our Fort Worth campus, and it was SO powerful. 13 people made the best decision of their life, and we got to celebrate with heaven as they publicly declared their faith!  There is nothing special about us, our tank, or the wa...


14 Years of The Creek!

By Matt Oxley
March 21, 2024

I cannot believe it has been 14 years since The Creek launched! March 21, 2010 was our first official Sunday service, but so much happened before that. In the summer of 2009, God confirmed a call for Heather and I to plant a new church. We were sure of the calling but also sure ...


Trusting Jesus: Peace in Chaos

March 14, 2024
Trusting in Jesus: Peace in the Chaos It’s no secret that our world is full of chaos. When uncertainty creeps in everywhere, placing our trust in something greater than ourselves often feels impossible. Yet (and thank goodness), amidst the chaos, for believers, there is a ...


A Walk in The Park

By Ryan Derrick
March 07, 2024

As my daughter grows older, and my metabolism becomes as slow as a snail, it’s important to me that I spend quality time with her AND get some form of physical exercise. These two tasks can be accomplished by taking Isla for a walk at our neighborhood park. This 6...


Time of Worship: The Joy

February 29, 2024
One of the best things about worship is when you get to sing lyrics straight from scripture, and declare the truth of the word through a beautiful song! Sometimes it can feel overwhelming trying to learn and know scripture. After all, the Bible tells us it's one of the biggest de...


Preparing for Rwanda 2024

By Amy Wolfe
February 22, 2024

As I prepare for our upcoming return to Rwanda, I couldn’t help but reflect on the words I had written just a few years ago. This trip will be my sixth trip, and fifth that my husband Ed and I have the honor to lead. Each trip has been uniquely different, with God's work ev...


The New Has Come

February 15, 2024
The New Has Come 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” Isn’t that such a refreshing, comforting thought? Here in Texas, even though it’s still February, we&r...


Time of Worship: Good Plans

February 07, 2024
There is no doubt about it, our world is crazy. Everywhere you turn, the enemy is working hard to create division, unrest, and false narratives. But, the good news, the GREAT news, is that as believers, we get to put our hope somewhere else. Our God loves us so well, He cares for...


The Next Generation: Raised to Life!

February 01, 2024
Two weeks ago, we had the sweetest, most JOYFUL round of baptisms! It was an incredible start to the year, and such an exciting reminder of God's goodness. What was so remarkable though, was how many of our NextGen students stepped out in faith to publicly declare that their life...


Focus 2024: Week 4

January 21, 2024
January 22nd: What Went Wrong? Scripture Reading:  Exodus 32: “When the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, ’Up, make us gods who shall go before us. ...


Focus 2024: Week 3

January 14, 2024
January 15th: Where God Reigns Scripture Reading: Exodus 8-10: “Then the Lord said to Moses, ’Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness to be felt.’ So Moses stretched out hi...


Focus 2024: Week 2

January 07, 2024
January 8th: Why ME? Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:11-12: “But Moses said to God, ’Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’ He said, ’But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you,...


Focus 2024: Week 1

December 31, 2023
January 1st: Before the Battle Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 14:1-7: “And his armor-bearer said to him, ‘Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul.’” So What: It’s January 1st, and our calendars are rolling i...


Advent Week 4: Love

December 21, 2023
We are so close! Just 4 days until Christmas! During the week that is traditionally overrun with errands and wrapping and cooking and last minute shopping, the meaning of Christmas can slip away as chaos allows frustration to seep in. I don’t think that it’s a coincid...


Advent Week 3: Joy

December 13, 2023
Believe it or not, here Christmas comes! At this point in December, the craze has begun. Endless shopping and wrapping, school parties, and blowing up text-threads making last minute plans and finalizing menus. If you’re feeling anything like me, you’re overwhelmed! B...


Advent Week 2: Peace

December 07, 2023
Last week we began the Christmas season by celebrating the first week of Advent, and ushering in the time of eager anticipation of Christmas day and the arrival of the messiah. Last week focused on the idea of Hope and the hope we have in Jesus, this week’s candle represent...


Advent Week 1: Hope

November 30, 2023
It’s truly the most wonderful time of the year, and it is FINALLY here! The family traditions, taking time to slow down and enjoy the beauty of the season, the feeling of excitement.  This week kicks off the Christmas season by beginning a time of Advent. The word &ld...


A Mindset of Gratitude

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
November 16, 2023

“One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, ‘Praise God!’ He fell to the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done.” I’ve read the parables in the gospels dozens of times. I’ve heard the sto...


The Ultimate Package Deal

By Shannon McBrayer
November 09, 2023

I love package deals! They’re often all inclusive and include the great extra add ons. They always have a luxurious feel to them. Like a vacation package deal: You get the flight, hotel, food, activities, and more. You get a vacation with all of the perks included! A packag...


Serve Weekend Recap

November 02, 2023
Last weekend was one of the best weekends of the year, Serve Weekend! Instead of gathering for our normal on-campus services, we send our church family out into the community to serve at dozens of organizations across the metroplex. We do EVERYTHING! From making jump ropes for ki...


Time of Worship: Gratitude

October 26, 2023
Last weekend we learned a new song as a church family, and there are so many beautiful pieces to the worship that I could spend a whole day writing about them! But what struck me as our church body worshiped was the idea that anything righteous act that we bring to the Lord is fi...


3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for the Holiday Season

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
October 19, 2023

3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for the Holiday Season The countdown is on. Halloween is in 12 days, which means the official start to the Christmas Season (aka, Christmas First) is in 13 days. Throw in Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and a thousand events in between, and you h...


Breaking Down the Bible: Hannah

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
October 12, 2023

Breaking Down the Bible: Hannah  The Bible is so FULL of incredible stories, events, and people, that it is impossible to know every single one of them, let alone the details of all the characters. But, it’s so important for us as believers to read these stories, and ...



By Kay Davis
October 04, 2023

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way to escape, that you may be able to endure it." I Corinthians 10:13 Temptation. Yik...



By Ron and Kay Davis
September 28, 2023

Kintsugi: Repairing and Appreciating that Which Was Broken Any marriage crisis, regardless of the offense or brokenness involved, can most certainly be a pivotal turning point in what should be the most treasured relationship we share apart from the one we have with our Lord Jes...


Baptism Celebration: September 2023

September 21, 2023
Last weekend we got to celebrate 14 people who made the best choice EVER, by choosing Jesus and getting baptized. At The Creek, our hope is that we never get tired of getting to experience what God is doing, and this last weekend was an incredible example of the life change happe...


Mexico Mission Trip 2023

By Alec Jacks
September 14, 2023

Fifteen minutes after getting off the airplane, John Reaser, the head of Shoulder to Shoulder, encouraged me to “look for things in Mazatlan that are different, and things that are the same”. Shoulder to Shoulder is an organization partnering with over forty local ch...


Waiting in The Wilderness

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
September 07, 2023

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the saga of God calling Moses to rescue His people from slavery and the (very very very long) journey to finally making it to the promised land. To break it down simply, here’s what happens: God calls Moses to free His people from...


Set in Motion: The Beauty of Giving Back

By Amy Wolfe
August 30, 2023

One of the many reasons that my husband and I joined The Creek years ago was the heart that we could see for serving others. Not only did we witness engagement within the four walls of our church, but in our community and around the world. Giving back to the community w...


Time of Worship: Miracle in Me

August 24, 2023
We sang a new song this last weekend about the healing, redemption, and power we have because of Christ's blood shed at Calvary. It is such a powerful message, declaring that Jesus alone is our healer, provider and savior! I want to invite you know to slow down and get in the pre...


The Small Things

By Kay Davis
August 17, 2023

So, a recent post on fb from a fellow “Creeker” gave me the idea for this article. The subject was shopping we or do we not return them to their stall after using them. I am “one of those” that does return mine every.time. Ha! I'll te...


5 Ways to Make this Year the Best Yet!

August 10, 2023
Can you believe that it is already time for Back to School? I can’t! In the next days and weeks, stores will look like a war zone with pencils and backpacks scattered about, teachers will begin the (completely heroic) return to the classroom to prepare for their students, a...


Time of Worship: Forever YHWH

August 03, 2023
We've recently started doing a new song for worship that is a powerful declaration of the names of Christ, with a beautiful reminder that his name is great and greatly to be praised. The simple anthems are so moving when declared in unison by the church body! My prayer for you to...


Raised to Life

July 26, 2023
Last weekend we had the unbelievable honor of celebrating baptisms with 14 people who made the best choice EVER! At The Creek, our hope is that we never get tired of getting to experience what God is doing, and last weekend we got to see that first-hand. If you're new to church...


CreeKid's Week 2023!

July 20, 2023
Last week was one of the most EXCITING weeks of the year here at The Creek, CreeKid’s Week! It’s full of powerful worship moments, intentional times in small groups, games and activities, indoor bounce houses, science experiments, skits, and most importantly, the gosp...


Can't Sleep?

By Shannon McBrayer
July 12, 2023

Can’t Sleep? If you are like me, you find yourself going to bed at night unable to sleep. The body is willing, but the mind says “Hey, remember me? Let’s think ALL the thoughts right now, shall we?” It never fails, going from one thought to another. I fo...


Christmas (Story) in July!

By Abi Oxley Derrick
July 06, 2023

I LOVE Christmas. Everything about it. The tree, the decorations, the movies, the music, the smells, the matching pajamas, the themed coffees and desserts. There is not ONE thing about Christmas that I don’t absolutely adore. But each year, as I get “wrapped” up...


Game Changer

By Kay Davis
June 28, 2023

"As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God may be displ...


Time of Worship: Praise

June 20, 2023
We sang a new song last weekend with the celebratory message of praising the Lord in any circumstance! As you check out this video and enter a small time of worship, even though you may want to dance because the song is so fun, I HIGHLY encourage you to meditate on the lyrics!&nb...


5 Resources for Online Devotionals

June 15, 2023
5 Resources for Online Devotionals  As a believer, our daily time in the word is so important, but finding devotionals that you connect with, learn from, and can do as a couple or family can be really challenging! There are so many resources available that it can be overwhe...


Discipling the Next Generation

By Alec Jacks
June 08, 2023

When it comes to the next generation, I’m so grateful to be at The Creek! We want every student and child to connect, grow, and go as they become fully discipled followers of Jesus. We have seen so many students and children give their life to Christ, serve in various role...


5 Tips for a Better Quiet Time

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
June 01, 2023

Quiet time with the Lord is one of the most precious things that we have as believers. In the toolbox of faith that God equips us with, time alone with Him, in prayer and in scripture, is priceless. But let's face it, life is tough and busy! Prioritizing quiet time, and getting t...


Breaking Down the Bible: Esther

May 25, 2023
I’ve always loved the book of Esther, and the idea that a book that doesn’t even mention God once is so full of his sovereignty, provision, and intentionality. Growing up, and even still, Esther is regarded as a massive hero of the faith, a girl chosen for “a ti...


What Jesus Teaches Us About Relationships

By Shannon McBrayer
May 14, 2023

Relationships can be the most beautiful part of life, but they can also cause us the most pain. That is what makes them so complicated. Jesus had a lot to say about them and how to keep them healthy. If we are to follow the example of Jesus, we must start with love. Jesus teach...


Encouragement for Mothers

May 11, 2023
This upcoming Sunday is Mother’s Day! If you forgot, I give you full permission to put down this blog, rush to the store, and grab whatever is left from the selection of cheesy cards and overpriced flowers.  If you're a mom yourself, this upcoming holiday can be full ...


You Plus God Can

By Shannon McBrayer
May 04, 2023

I dislike math. I wish I did not, but I do. There is however, this one equation that I love. Me plus God. Me plus God can. You plus God can. The impossible becomes the possible. Even when we are feeling stuck. There are times that we may feel stuck in our circumstances...


Sacrificial Worship

April 27, 2023
Picture this: it’s a hectic Sunday morning, you’re rushing out the door making sure all the kids are dressed and the dog has eaten, you were already late for church and now the traffic is terrible. When you finally make it into the worship center you’re three mi...


Time of Worship: Firm Foundation

April 20, 2023
Last weekend we sang a new song together as a church family, Firm Foundation. The central message of the song focuses on the idea that when we put our trust in Jesus, build our life on Him, and submit to Him as our foundation, we cannot be swayed. That's not to say that storms do...


Breaking Down the Bible: Jonah

April 13, 2023
Breaking Down the Bible: Jonah  This week on the blog, we’re starting a new series called “Breaking Down the Bible.” If you’re anything like me, you’ve heard stories of Noah, Jonah, David, and Esther too many times to count. I am a huge believe...


Stewarding the Waiting

April 06, 2023
Luke 23:44-56 / Luke 24:1-12 “It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun's light failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into...


Marriage: Grind or Glory?

By Alec Jacks
March 30, 2023

Marriage: Grind or Glory? We’ve all got interesting things in our church past, don’t we? I remember every year at church camp, there would be at least one day where the student pastor, or whatever male group leaders had come along on the trip sat all the guys down t...


Pray the Small Prayers

By Abi Oxley Derrick
March 23, 2023

Every year as a church, we focus on a word that God has for us. It reminds us of the vision that He has put forth, and encourages us to be faithful in it. For 2023, our word is prayer. It may feel simple, a little “well, duh” moment, but in reality, it is a massive pi...


God is Our Refuge

By Shannon McBrayer
March 15, 2023

God Is Our Refuge I titled this blog “God Is Our Refuge” and I hope to bring encouragement to your life by sharing how we can stand on God’s promises and walk boldly in Him, knowing we can run to Him at any time. God is our refuge. Psalm 46:1 says: "...


Time of Worship: Same God

March 08, 2023
One of the songs we've recently introduced comes from the idea in Hebrews 8 that says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." It can be difficult to remember that the same God who parted the waters for the Isrealites, made profound covenants with Jacob (and ke...


Staff Spotlight: Matt Oxley

March 02, 2023
This week, we're getting to know our very own Pastor Matt a little better! Despite hearing him teach each weekend, there is still a treasure trove of fun facts you may not know! Here we go: 1. Tell us about yourself! Heather and I have been married for 28 years and have two amaz...


Season of Lent

February 23, 2023
This week kicks off the season of Lent, and the countdown to Easter Sunday and the celebration of our King’s resurrection. While most people tend to associate Lent with the Catholic Church, we believe that the principle of fasting and preparing our hearts for Easter is impo...


Encouragement for Marriages

February 16, 2023
With another Valentine's Day come and gone, it's so fun to see how couples are celebrating each other and enjoying a month focused on love! I personally LOVE love, and think holidays like this are so special, and a wonderful time to show your person how much you care about them!&...


Worry, worry, worry...

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
February 09, 2023

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose”  ? Eckhart Tolle Worry, worry, worry. The same beast that comes back over and over again no matter how hard we try to avoid it. Worry: robbing joy, creating uncertainty, and a great tactic that the e...


Motherhood and Surrender

By Shannon Santiago
February 02, 2023

If you see the mom who straps her young son over her shoulder leaving church every Saturday night, that's me.  I think every mother can agree that it is truly a gift, a privilege, and honor to walk in the calling and journey of motherhood. There is not a day that goes by th...


Focus 2023 Devotionals: Day 15-21

By Duncan Brannan
January 22, 2023

DAY 15: “Turning Down the Noise”  “As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.” Matthew 13:22, ES...


Focus 2023 Devotionals: Day 8-14

By Duncan Brannan
January 15, 2023

DAY 8: “The Big Picture”  “But Joseph said to them, ‘Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as the...


Focus 2023 Devotionals: Day 1-7

By Duncan Brannan
January 09, 2023

DAY 1 : “What Is Fasting?”  “So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and He heard our prayer.” Ezra 8:23, NLT Most Christians know that God calls us to disciplines like Bible reading, prayer, and fellow...


Rhythms of Rest

By Abi Oxley Derrick
January 05, 2023

We’re officially at that point in the year where things are crazy. The holidays are behind us, spring break feels like an eternity away, and we are caught in a season of constant going. Between work, and children, dozens of activities, commitments, family time, chores,...


Advent Week 4: Love

December 22, 2022
Advent Week 4: Love It’s here! Christmas is in 3 days and I am so excited! This week, Advent comes to a close and we wrap up this time of anxiously awaiting the arrival of Christmas with the word that it all comes back to: Love. Think back to past Christmases of your life...


Advent Week 3: Joy

December 15, 2022
“JOY to the world, the Lord has come!”  Welcome to the third week of Advent! If you’re anything like me, this week you realized that Christmas is close. Like, really close. It probably sent you into a spiral of stress realizing that there is still so much ...


Advent Week 2: Peace

December 08, 2022
Welcome to the second week of Advent! By this point in December, I’m going to guess that everyone feels like they’re drowning in their to-do lists. Holiday concerts, parties for the kids, shopping, wrapping, prepping for guests, work responsibilities, etc. How are we ...


Advent Week 1: Hope

December 01, 2022
Happy December 1st! Today officially marks that the Christmas Season has begun! As Children tear into their chocolate Advent Calendars, parents begin wrapping gifts, and trees are being lit up all over the country, the spirit of anticipation is at an all time high!  With th...


'Tis the Season (Encouragement for the Holidays)

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
November 17, 2022

‘Tis the Season (Encouragement for the Holidays) I am a huge lover of the Holidays. From October to January, I am a big ball of candy-corn, Santa Claus, sparkle-induced excitement. Even at 25, I feel like a kid on Christmas morning every day of the season. But I know that ...


God's Masterpiece

By Bryan Choate
November 10, 2022

God’s Masterpiece Have you ever built a fire and noticed a piece of wood with black lines running through it? The term for those black lines in the wood is called “spalting”. The spalting occurs in the early stages of decay and typically results from the wood b...


Serve Weekend Recap!

November 03, 2022
Serve Weekend Recap: October 2022 Last weekend was our second Serve Weekend of the year, and just like May, it was an incredible weekend of our Creek family being Set in Motion all over the metroplex. We saw almost 400 people engage with dozens of projects from Thursday-Monday. ...


The Impact of the NextGen Ministry

By Whitney Moline
October 25, 2022

Often, we fall into thinking our kid’s ministry is just a babysitting program. That the only reason for it is to give the parents a break. However, kid's ministry is so much more. At The Creek, we teach them foundational truths that we build on as they grow. ...


Time of Worship

October 19, 2022
Worship is a powerful tool in the life of a believer, and can come through praise and worship songs on the weekend all the way to how we run our homes and tend to our relationships. Our worship is a weapon against all that the fall brought about, and is how we fight aga...


Impact Month: Africa New Life

By Amy Wolfe
October 13, 2022

While I have always had a heart for serving others through community outreach, never in my wildest dreams or master life plan did I think of going to Africa. Even further from my plans was the thought of going on a mission trip, sponsoring children and now leading teams to this b...


Impact Month: Outreach Expo

October 05, 2022
Last weekend was our 2nd annual “Out-Reach Expo,” and not only did we have dozens of the ministries that we support on campus, we also had an incredible panel of speakers that delivered a message that perfectly encapsulates The Creek’s heart for ministry. It was...


Ever Feel Like God Isn't Answering Your Prayers?

By Shannon McBrayer
September 29, 2022

“Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” -Hosea 10:12 Let’s talk about this fallow ground. First, what is fallow ground? It is simply ground o...


Backseat Decisions

By Kay Davis
September 22, 2022

My husband and I used to work with the youth in our church, and I remember us telling them not to wait until they were in the backseat of a car to decide whether or not they would stay pure until marriage. Emotions (and hormones) run high when in the backseat and that is not the ...


Living Proof

By Kay Davis
September 15, 2022

In our previous post, “The Hand of God,” I relayed my experience of being treated for clinical depression. What I left out was my experience in those months and weeks prior to counseling. The year was 1994 and my husband and I had begun our reconciliation process in o...


The Hand of God

By Kay Davis
September 08, 2022

I'd like to start off by talking about a song titled “Shadow Feet” by Brooke Fraser. Beautiful song...not new, but it's message is timeless. The lyrics start out by saying “walking, stumbling on these shadow feet toward home, a land that I've never seen.”...


Staff Spotlight: Whitney Moline

September 01, 2022
Staff Spotlight: Whitney Moline We have an amazing staff at The Creek, and I would love to introduce you to some of our newer faces so you can understand who they are, their heart for ministry, and what God has called them to do here at The Creek!  Today, we’re getti...


The Days are Long, The Years are Short

By Alec Jacks
August 25, 2022

As the proud owner of a four year old boy, it feels like I’ve got so much time (at times, too much time) with my son. He is a delight, and while the years race by, sometimes the days go by so slowly. It often feels like we’ve crossed another milestone with very little...


Time of Worship: Christ be Magnified

August 18, 2022
Psalm 69:30 says, "I will praise the name of God with song And magnify Him with thanksgiving." Our number one goal as a church, THE church, is for God's name to be made great, and in that, draw people near to Him!  I'd love to invite you to slow down for a few minutes ...


The "S" Word

By Kay Davis
August 11, 2022

Ever been afraid? Me too! In fact, fear used to consume my life. But that phrase! But God, in His infinite wisdom, sometimes allows us to be put in positions of having to face our biggest fears. Why would He do that? I'm glad you asked! One of the truths revealed...


Church 101: Baptisms

August 04, 2022
A few weeks ago, we celebrated baptisms as a church family! If you're new to church, you may have some questions about about water baptism and all that it represents! Check out this video for more about what the act of baptism represents to believers! 


The Best Laid Plans

By Alec Jacks
July 28, 2022

There are two seemingly paradoxical ideas in scripture about planning. The first, is simply that it matters! Proverbs 21:5 says that “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” In other words, if you plan a...


CreeKid's Week 2022!

July 21, 2022
Last week was one of the most EXCITING weeks of the year here at The Creek, CreeKid’s Week 2022! It’s full of crazy powerful worship, intentional times in small groups, games and activities, and most importantly, the gospel is preached every night. This year was powe...


The Humanity of Jesus

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
July 14, 2022

The Humanity of Jesus: We’re currently in the series, Life by The Sea, where we’re exploring the stories of Jesus’ life and understanding that he was a real person, who went to real places, with real stories. Last week we went through the passage of scripture ...


For This Reason

By Kay Davis
July 07, 2022

My husband and I got married at age 16 and 17. We had what that truly meant, much less the heart of God behind it. Neither one us even had a personal relationship with the Lord at that time and would not for several years to come. We were married by a jud...


5 Ways to Grow Closer to The Lord as a Family

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
June 30, 2022

5 Ways to Grow Closer to The Lord as a Family With the summer in full swing, and the kids at home for a few more weeks, this is the perfect time to be intentional about growing your family’s relationship with the Lord! There is such a short window of their lives where ther...


Prayer is The Chisel

By Alec Jacks
June 23, 2022

In Mathew 6, Jesus instructs his disciples in how to pray.  “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done,     on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread, 12&nb...


Time of Worship: Another in the Fire

June 16, 2022
Last weekend we sang a song that our church family loves, singing about the faithfulness of God through different generations and circumstances. We sing of how despite fleeing from slavery, with a tyrannical leader on their trail, the Israelites saw God's promise firsthand, ...


The Heart of the Matter: Trust

June 09, 2022
This week we are wrapping up our series, The Heart of the Matter, and I will be so sad to finish this one up! The last several weeks have been so convicting as we looked at topics like Pride, Anger, Control, and Guilt. The idea that we have been working through is the thought tha...


The Voice of Truth

By Kay Davis
June 02, 2022

Family members of ours were fishing off the coast of Florida in 2012 and captured this photo of an ominous cloud before a rainstorm. BTW, no family members were harmed during the making of this photo! Amazing though, isn't it? Downright creepy, if you ask me! I have been afr...


Habits, Deep Dives, and Rhythm Breakers

By Alec Jacks
May 25, 2022

Habits, Deep-Dives, and Rhythm Breakers to help shape your Summer It’s that time of the year again. My family has visited a pool or body of water nine times in seven days. Wet towels have begun sprouting from the earth beneath our feet. We’ve moved from lunches to le...


Church 101: Communion

May 19, 2022
This weekend, we're taking communion as a church family! If you're new to church, you may have some questions about communion. Check out this video for more about what the juice and wafer represent to believers! 


The Thief of Joy

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
May 12, 2022

Comparison: The Thief of Joy “We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.” - Bob Goff We started a new series last weekend called “The Heart of the Matter,” and we kicked it off strong, studying the story of Leah and Rac...


Serve Weekend: May 2022

May 05, 2022
Last weekend we held our first Serve Weekend of 2022, and it was an unforgettable couple of days! With 14 projects and 300 volunteers spread throughout the community, making an impact and changing lives, we are still blown away by the willingness of the Creek Family to be Set in ...


Africa 2022 Recap

By Amy Wolfe
April 28, 2022

As I reflect on our trip to Rwanda, I find it hard to believe that it has been nearly two months since our return. This trip was my fourth trip, and third trip that my husband Ed and I had the honor to lead. Each trip has been uniquely different, with God's work evident in everyt...


Marriage 101: Kintsugi

By Ron and Kay Davis
April 21, 2022

Kintsugi: Repairing and Appreciating that Which Was Broken As Kay and I prepare to celebrate our 47th year of marriage, I can’t help but give thanks to the Father for His wonderful gift of such a godly helpmate. While 47 years is certainly an accomplishment to be proud of;...


The Next Generation

By Alec Jacks
April 14, 2022

When it comes to the next generation, I’m so grateful to be at The Creek! We want every student and child to connect, grow, and go as they become fully discipled followers of Jesus. We have seen so many students and children give their life to Christ, serve in various role...


Time of Worship: Rest on Us

April 07, 2022
Join Lauren and Josh for a time of worship!


Compassion Fatigue

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
March 31, 2022

Pastor Matt’s message last week was a heavy one. To be honest, the series that we’re in, taking a deep dive into James, has been week after week of gut punches and strong convictions. Each message has left me overwhelmed with ways I can be wiser, more loving, more int...


Israel Recap: Part 2

By Matt Oxley
March 24, 2022

I have so much to share about our recent trip to Israel and Egypt that I am writing a follow up from the first post. Some sites I was able to record a video of the revelation and send it back. One particular site that I was able to do a video but wanted to expand on was the Garde...


Israel Recap: Part 1

By Matt Oxley
March 17, 2022

Heather and I had an incredible opportunity to tour the Holy Land, Israel. The trip had a packed schedule and had us visiting multiple sites per day trying to take it all in. We worked through a journal to make notes at each site but still could not get it all! Since we have been...


Missing Magic

By Alec Jacks
March 10, 2022

When I was in 7th grade, I would slip a fantasy novel over the math textbook I was supposed to be working through, and read the books I wanted to read during class. C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, and Robert Jordan kept me company while I should have been learning long division or whateve...


10 Tips for Reading the Bible

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
March 04, 2022

10 Tips for Reading the Bible: Let’s face it: reading and studying the bible every day is not always easy. Life is full of distractions and the enemy is really good and getting in the way of quiet time in the Lord’s presence. But despite all of this, God is clear tha...


Time of Worship: Believe for It

February 24, 2022
We hope you'll slow down and worship with us for a few minutes! 


Rhythms of Rest

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
February 17, 2022

We’re officially at that point in the year where things are crazy. The holidays are long behind us, summer break feels like an eternity away, and we are caught in a season of constant going. Between work, and children, dozens of activities, commitments, family time, chores,...


Marriage: Grind or Glory?

By Alec Jacks
February 09, 2022

Marriage: Grind or Glory? We’ve all got interesting things in our church past, don’t we? I remember every year at church camp, there would be at least one day where the student pastor, or whatever male group leaders had come along on the trip sat all the guys down t...


Focus Week 4: Set in Motion

By Amy Wolfe
February 02, 2022

I always enjoy when it’s the start of a new year and we cast vision with our church body. Getting back to the fundamentals of who we are as a church is energizing and motivating. The Focus series has given us the opportunity to reflect on the importance of our “Set ...


Focus Week 3: Set Free

January 27, 2022
The idea of being Set Free is so important to the core of who we are as a church. We believe so fully that God does not call us to live in our past, or allow the enemy to have strongholds on our lives. We are passionate about seeing people walk in the freedom that only God can pr...


Focus Week 2: Set in Family

January 20, 2022
This month we are in our Focus ‘22 series, where we are working through the vision that God has given us as a church this year, and how this ties into our “Set Ins.” It’s no secret that at The Creek, we are passionate about seeing people Set in Family, and...


Focus Week 1: Set in Relationship

By Matt Oxley
January 13, 2022

Happy New Year Creek family! I am so grateful for all that God has done in our church and I am so excited for another year of building the Kingdom with all of you. Each year at The Creek, we start with our Focus series where we outline the vision that God has given us for the yea...


New Year, New You

January 06, 2022
Well, here we are! A new year is upon us, and if you’re like me, you’re almost through the first week of resolutions that you promised yourself you’d finally do! Maybe this year you decided to get super healthy, and now, six days in, you couldn’t be more t...


Advent Week 4: Love

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
December 22, 2021

It’s officially the last week before Christmas! During the week that is traditionally overrun with errands and wrapping and cooking and last minute shopping, the meaning of Christmas can slip away as chaos allows frustration to seep in. I don’t think that it’s a...


Advent Week 3: Joy

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
December 16, 2021

Can you believe that it’s already the third week of Advent, and that December is over halfway gone? It feels like this point in the Christmas season ushers in the chaos of finishing the shopping and wrapping, endless parties and recitals, and the bizarre combination of urge...


Advent Week 2: Peace

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
December 09, 2021

“Peace on Earth and goodwill to men!” This is a phrase we all know well, and hear around the holidays a lot. And in the world we live in, and after the last few years we’ve all had, we sure could use peace on Earth.   Last week we began the Christmas seaso...


Advent Week 1: Hope

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
December 02, 2021

I love this time of year. The traditions, the intentional moments of slowing down to soak in the beauty of the season, the feeling of anticipation. Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year, and I am so excited to celebrate the birth of our savior with my church fami...


Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving to our incredible Creek family! We are praying that the next couple of days are restful and rejuvenating as we slow down and reflect on God’s goodness! As we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, we just want to encourage you to stop and take some time to than...


Time of Worship: Breathe Miracles

November 18, 2021
Join us for a time of worship!


Celebrating Serve Weekend!

November 11, 2021
Two weekends ago, we closed out Impact Month with our first Serve Weekend since 2019. It was an INCREDIBLE time being out in the community, meeting very real needs! Over the course of the weekend, we had over 300 people Set in Motion within 12 projects, totaling 650 hours of volu...


The Impact of Impact Month

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
November 04, 2021

October was a big month around The Creek! For the first time, we dedicated and set aside an entire month to focus on serving. One of the core values that is foundational to our church is this idea of being Set in Motion, meaning that once we’re saved and engaged in the comm...


Time of Worship: Reign Above it All

October 28, 2021
Join Abi and Adam for a time of worship.


Teaching Your Kids to Share Their Story

By Alec Jacks
October 20, 2021

As a church family, we’ve spent some time this year learning how to share our stories. We’ve heard stories about the transforming power of the Gospel working in so many of us, and heard about how God has rescued, changed, and grown us step by step into the men and wom...


The Art of Sacrificial Worship

By Abi Oxley-Derrick
October 14, 2021

The Art of Sacrificial Worship Picture this: it’s a hectic Sunday morning, you’re rushing out the door making sure all the kids are dressed and the dog has eaten, you were already late for church and now the traffic is terrible. When you finally make it into the wors...


Making an Impact with Africa New Life

By Amy Wolfe
October 07, 2021

While I have always had a heart for serving others through community outreach, never in my wildest dreams or master life plan did I think of going to Africa. Even further from my plans was the thought of going on a mission trip, sponsoring children and now leading teams to this b...


Life Group Spotlight

By Ed Wolfe
September 30, 2021

If you’ve been at The Creek for any amount of time, you’ve heard us stress the importance of being Set in Family through Life Groups. We are huge believers in the idea that church happens outside of the building, and some of the best discussions happen around a kitche...


Time of Worship: Lord Send Revival

September 23, 2021
Join Adam for a time of devotional and worship! 


Welcome To The Creek Website

June 28, 2021
Welcome to our new website, and our newly launched blog! We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for this little corner of the internet. We feel called to use our voice and our presence on the internet to uplift people and share the goodness of God through every...


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Weatherford, TX 76085

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