Trusting Jesus: Peace in Chaos

Trusting Jesus: Peace in Chaos

March 14, 2024

Trusting in Jesus: Peace in the Chaos

It’s no secret that our world is full of chaos. When uncertainty creeps in everywhere, placing our trust in something greater than ourselves often feels impossible. Yet (and thank goodness), amidst the chaos, for believers, there is a deeper hope: an unchanging God. 

But here’s the problem: we’re a fickle bunch, us humans. And we tend to get dragged along in the chaos regardless of how hard we fight to stay consistent. Unfortunately, the fall is real. Sin is real. And everyday (truthfully, every moment) we have to suit up and make the choice to trust Jesus in a very real way. 

Trusting Jesus isn’t just blind belief, a feeling, or a pledge we take. It’s a tangible choice we make over and over, and it’s a practice that we must consistently implement in our life, just like every other spiritual discipline.

It's about recognizing the times in our life, and through the Word of God that He has been faithful in promise-keeping. It's about finding the strength in vulnerability to surrender our wills, desires, and hope to a greater purpose that He’s given us. And it’s about rejecting the idea that we can play god to ourselves, and turn to Him FIRST. 

If you need a reminder today why trusting Jesus is infinitely better than relying on ourselves, let me give you a few: 

1: Life is MESSY. We often find ourselves in situations where a path forward feels daunting. However, trusting in Jesus provides a way and a wisdom greater than anything the world can offer. His word is sovereign, remaining true and relevant even to this day. Regardless of what you’re walking through, the word of God and the peace that passes all understanding is the best road-map ever. 

2: In moments of weakness (yes, we ALL have them), the enemy loves when we feel hopeless. But the good news is that we get to BOAST in our weakness, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient, and He’s made powerful when we’re weak (2 Corinthians 12:9). We also have the best father and friend in God, and he invites us to lay our burdens down, reminding us that He will provide rest for the weary (Matthew 11:28-30). So let the moments of weakness come, but trust that Jesus can turn them for good every time

3: Ultimately, In a world of chaos, the promise of heaven brings peace that nothing on this side of eternity can replicate. Trusting in Jesus offers the hope of salvation and life everlasting. Regardless of the trials in this lifetime, be reminded today that this is not home.

Trusting in Jesus is not a one-time decision but a daily commitment to surrendering our lives to His will. It's a journey marked by faith, perseverance, and unwavering trust. So today, every day, and every moment, I challenge you to choose Him first. Choose to trust the savior and friend who can carry you through better than anything or anyone else.


4901 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76179

(817) 350-6980

10300 S Farm to Market Rd 730
Azle, TX 76020

(817) 350-6980

