One of our core values at The Creek is seeing people Set in Motion, and during Serve Weekend we will have dozens of opportunities for you and your family to get out and serve our community. Our next serve weekend is October 12th-13th for our AZLE CAMPUS and October 26th-27th for our FORT WORTH CAMPUS, so check out this page for opportunities to serve here, near, and far!
Hosting a Neighborhood Boo Bash: Halloween can be the perfect time to gather with friends and neighbors while building relationships with one another centered around Jesus. Serve Weekend is the perfect opportunity to open up your driveway and host a Boo Bash!
The Creek will provide you with a yard sign, cards to invite others to The Creek and a candy starter kit. Boo Bash kits are available for you beginning weekend of October 19th-20th at the Welcome Center, so please stop by! If you are not able be at church that weekend, Amy will be at our Fort Worth campus, Tuesday October 22nd from 10-3 or Wednesday October 23rd from 6pm-8pm for material pickup. REGISTER.
FORT WORTH CAMPUS4901 N. Main StreetFort Worth, TX 76179 (817) 350-6980
AZLE CAMPUS1680 Mary DriveWeatherford, TX 76085 (817) 350-6980