Rhythms of Rest
Author: Abi Oxley-Derrick
February 17, 2022
We’re officially at that point in the year where things are crazy. The holidays are long behind us, summer break feels like an eternity away, and we are caught in a season of constant going. Between work, and children, dozens of activities, commitments, family time, chores, and a semblance of a social life…the general consensus is that life feels like a lot for everybody right now. So as Christians, how do we navigate seasons of life like this? Seasons that don’t seem to slow down or offer any rest?
One thing that I’ve learned in my experience with studying the Bible, is that when the Lord has something he really wants his people to know, understand, and implement, he models it very intentionally. The Bible has a lot to say about rest and slowing down, and God is very specific in his ideas of rest and sabbath.
Now forgive me for sounding like a Sunday School teacher here, but I’m going to ask you a question that, despite seeming obvious, should be a very clear instruction. Did God really need to rest on the seventh day of creation? Of course not. He models this day of rest to show us that WE desperately need one. Additionally, throughout the New Testament, his laws in Exodus and Leviticus are very clear when it comes to the Sabbath, or the day of rest. No work is to be done on the Sabbath, and those who do are in direct violation of his commands. For goodness sake, God even designates every 50th year to be one of rest and celebration! When you read scripture, it is very easy to understand that the Lord takes the idea of rest seriously.
One of the things that I’ve been guilty of all my life is “scheduling” my rest, and waiting anxiously for the next weekend off or the next vacation to provide a sabbath. These things are amazing, and often leave us refueled and rejuvenated, but if time off of work is the only place we’re finding rest, over time we are going to find ourselves severely disappointed, and burn-out will begin to take an ugly root in our hearts and minds.
Now if you’re like me, you’re thinking, “this is all great, but HOW.” Life is busy. Work takes a lot of hours, parenting never stops, houses always need tending to, dinner needs cooking, laundry needs folding, I could go on and on. We know that in 2022, entire days of just stopping aren’t feasible. So how do we live a life with intentional Sabbath and intentional rest? We have to work those rhythms of rest into our daily lives.
The simplest way to find rest in our daily lives is to find rest in Jesus. To seek him daily, to engage in his word, to talk to him, to dwell in his presence. Some practical things that I have worked into my day and I would love to challenge you with are these:
- Find 5 minutes to simply stop where you are. Breathe and dwell on HIS goodness. You’d be surprised by how slowing down and breathing will allow you to recenter your mind on the things of the Lord.
- PRAY! Ask for rest. Ask for patience. Ask for the things you’re feeling empty on. We serve a good God who is faithful to provide for his kids every single time.
- Spend time in his word. This is the only rest that will sustain you. Seek him daily and see how he transforms your heart and mind!
I know that life is crazy, and I know that rest can feel laughable sometimes because busyness takes hold, but I want you to know that we can find rest in Jesus daily, and he can sustain better than any vacation, time off, or date night can.