You Plus God Can

You Plus God Can

Author: Shannon McBrayer
May 04, 2023

I dislike math. I wish I did not, but I do. There is however, this one equation that I love. Me plus God. Me plus God can. You plus God can. The impossible becomes the possible. Even when we are feeling stuck.

There are times that we may feel stuck in our circumstances. You may be feeling stuck right now. You are so ready to take the next step but aren’t sure how to or where to even start. This is something we all can relate to.

The weather, especially here in Texas, is a perfect analogy. When we get anything that includes the words ice, severe, hail, tornados, etc. we cringe at what could be coming. We may feel stuck at home because these conditions are so unpredictable. Do we venture out? Or like me, you go outside and look at the sky when sirens are sounding. What is coming? Do I shelter or will it be blowing over soon? Those clouds look weird, is that a funnel forming??

We are the same in our circumstances. Do I stay inside where it’s safe or do I venture out into something that looks scary? Maybe you are in a job that is not utilizing your gifts and talents, a relationship that is more take than give, a habit that is inching towards being an addiction.

The good news is that we have a source we can go to, an equation we can count on. This looks scary, but me plus God can…

We can turn to the Lord and let Him fill us with the strength to move, the strength to keep going, the strength to persevere. You’ve only got to take that first step in faith towards the change that is needed. Habakkuk 3:19 says: “The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon heights."

Sovereign means supreme or ultimate power. Ultimate power! So, there is no other power that is more or higher. I love how the writer, Habakkuk, is almost yelling this, THE SOVEREIGN LORD IS MY STRENGTH! Sometimes we need to look our problems in the eye and let them know where our strength comes from as well as remind ourselves. The Sovereign (Ultimate/Supreme) Lord is your strength!

Where are you feeling stuck right now? Personally, professionally, or maybe in your prayer life. Is there perhaps an area where you have just stopped moving?

Let this be an encouragement to you to take the first step, operate in faith, God is with you. Remember that He has already gone before you to prepare the way. You have only to believe it, to walk in it. Who can stop the Lord? No one! Stepping out in faith will always be met with blessings. Psalm 17:6: "I call to you, God, and you answer me. Listen to me now, and hear what I say."

God is listening. He does love you and He is for you, and He does answer you. It may not always be the answer you want, but it’s always the one you need. Trust in Him, lean into Him and take comfort that He is in your steps. You plus God can.


4901 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76179

(817) 350-6980

10300 S Farm to Market Rd 730
Azle, TX 76020

(817) 350-6980

