Finding True Joy

Finding True Joy

April 11, 2024

Finding True Joy

It seems like everywhere you turn, the world is pushing the idea of “happiness” on us. The idea that as long as we’re happy, nothing else matters. No thing, job, or person should stand in the way of what makes us happy. We pray for blessings, success, and favorable circumstances, believing that they will bring us this false sense of security or happiness. However, as Christians, we are called to a deeper understanding of happiness: joy. A fruit of the spirit that goes far beyond the fleeting or circumstantial nature of happiness.

Circumstantial happiness is completely tied to external factors: our relationships, achievements, and material possessions. When things go according to plan, when we receive praise and recognition, or when we acquire something we desire, we feel happy. But what happens when we lose the job? When our marriage is struggling? When a family member is estranged? When there is more month than money? 

Happiness is temporary and fragile. It is so easily shaken.

JOY, on the other hand, is not dependent on external circumstances. It is consistent through trial and steadfast through emotion. James tells us to count it all JOY when we face hard things. They will come, it’s inevitable, but the reminder to be joyful in tribulation says a lot more about what joy is than what trials are. 

So, what sets joy apart from circumstantial happiness? How can we truly adopt a spirit of joy, regardless of whatever the enemy or the world brings at us?

1: Understand the Source: “Happiness” is sourced in the world around us—our possessions, achievements, and relationships. But deep joy comes from God Himself. It is rooted in His unchanging character, His promises, and His presence in our lives. We can be happy when good things happen, but to remain joyful amidst sorrow is the real trick. This comes from not only being rooted in the Word, but truly understanding the character of God and who He is.

2: Play the Long Game: While circumstantial happiness is fleeting and can be easily disrupted by adversity, joy provides a strength and resilience that enables us to endure hardships with hope and trust in God's faithfulness. The Bible tells “run with endurance the race set before us.” Marathon runners need a different kind of strength and stamina that other people don’t. They need a source, a reason, something deeper in them that motivates them to cross that line. Running the race as a follower of Christ isn’t going to be easy, but with the long game (and finish line) in mind, we can rely on joy to carry us through. 

3: Keep the Eternal Perspective: Happiness focuses on the here and now, on temporary pleasures and achievements. Joy rooted in the hope of Heaven, however, is grounded in an eternal perspective. It looks beyond the fleeting pleasures of this world to the everlasting joy of knowing and being with God for eternity.

As Christians, we are called to pursue joy—not just the fleeting happiness that the world offers. We are reminded in Scripture that true joy is found in God alone. Psalm 16:11 declares, "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

So let us plug into Jesus: His word, His presence, His spirit. The TRUE source of joy! Take heart, don’t let the world or its temporary pain and pleasure distract you from why we’re here. 


4901 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76179

(817) 350-6980

10300 S Farm to Market Rd 730
Azle, TX 76020

(817) 350-6980

