5 Ways to Make this Year the Best Yet!

5 Ways to Make this Year the Best Yet!

August 10, 2023

Can you believe that it is already time for Back to School? I can’t! In the next days and weeks, stores will look like a war zone with pencils and backpacks scattered about, teachers will begin the (completely heroic) return to the classroom to prepare for their students, and parents will start the routine of hectic mornings and car pickup lines again. Wasn’t it just May??

Whether the beginning of a new school year feels overwhelming or exciting to you, it means one thing for everyone: less time with your kids. You quickly go from having them home all day to relying on a different village to care for their heart and their mind for 8+ hours a day. So as parents, how can the time with our kids be stewarded and intentional when the crazy rush of back to school happens? Here are 5 things to keep in mind as we go into the fall:

1. Prioritize Rest: I know, I know, some of you are laughing at your screen right now. “Rest, who is she?” With soccer practices and extracurricular activities and church and on and on and on…how do we have time to slow down and rest? As parents, one of the biggest gifts you can give your kids and your family is rest! We all know it’s Biblical, and God outlines rhythms of rest very clearly to us! But, I know, implementing it can be hard. That’s one of the beautiful things about a new school year. It’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your routines and find what’s working or not, and make changes. Maybe this year two nights a week are free from activities and are spent solely on rest and time together. Maybe Saturday mornings are sacred and will only be used for sleeping in and blueberry pancakes. Find what works for your family, but build in time for rest.

2. Make Mealtimes Count: There are very few times in the day that are as perfect for connection and intentional conversation as breakfast and dinner. Find ways to create interesting and meaningful mealtimes as a family throughout the week! Things like games, conversation starters, or fun questions allow for kids and parents to learn more about each other and feel connected. This is also a wonderful time to talk about faith, and what their relationship with Jesus looks like. Before long, this will be everyone’s favorite time of the day. Bonus points if you can find ways to get the kids involved in cooking! 

3. Magic Minutes: I once read a parenting article that prioritized the idea of “magic minutes,” which is simply the idea that the few moments after a child wakes up and the few minutes before they go to bed are “magic” and if stewarded well, can change the outlook of the day! As the back to school grind picks up again, mornings and evenings tend to take the hit, and can become chaotic. There are schedules to keep and places to be on time and lunches to pack and shoes to tie! There are dinner plates to be cleaned and baths to be had and teeth brushing! These things are important, but I want to encourage you to remember your magic minutes. Just making those two times a day count can be so rewarding for everyone, and things like praying together or simply talking about the day can fill everyone’s tanks. 

4. Just Say No: If you’re anything like me (a chronic people pleaser who has a hard time saying no), you may notice that your schedule goes from an easygoing summer to a jam-packed fall in no time. There is SO much out there for your kids and family to do and be a part of, it can be so hard to say no. But, remember the example we’re setting for our kids right now, whether they realize it or not! Teaching the value of “no” and how to protect time is a life-skill that extends far beyond the school years. If you don’t want another year of activities 7 days a week, find the ones you can say no to!

5. Everything is a Teachable Moment: It’s not a secret that there is something scary about entrusting your kids to people who aren’t you for 8+ hours a day. I have nothing but the utmost respect for teachers, administrators, coaches, and leaders of extracurricular activities, but it’s still hard trusting your kiddo's heart and mind to someone else. One of the best ways to keep your family's focus on the Lord, His commandments, and the way you want your family values to be represented is by using every day as a teachable moment. The Bible is an incredible road map, a treasure trove of information on how to respond to people and how to follow Jesus in this wild world. Use every moment you get to point your kids back to Him and the word, and send them confidently into the classroom knowing that they have a toolbox much greater than what the world can provide.

As we head into this crazy time of year, we are praying over you and your families. We are praying that this year is full of breakthroughs, blessings, and beautiful connections. We pray that your family draws closer to each other, and closer to the Lord! We pray over every single teacher, student, administrator, coach, and anyone else who is entrusted with kids this year! 

Happy back to school!


4901 N. Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76179

(817) 350-6980

1680 Mary Drive, Weatherford, Tx. 76085

(817) 350-6980

